
 ¤To the Ghostown Knives Family¤

If you sit at my workbench and turn to your right, this is what you see:

Every Single order on our books.
The oldest dates over three years back.

I don't lose knives and I don't forget you. 
I don't even set your timeline back an extra week every time you ask about your order....anymore ;)

I see this shelf of knives (that is NEVER empty) every single day, it literally sits between my wife's desk and my own.

I don't even take a day off (my one or two a year lol) without sitting in my shop chair if just for a smoke break or personal project.

So I see this shelf...a lot.

It's just Mandy and I in the shop. Mandy is slowly gaining on me with her fantastic stonework and other artistic talents, but this is still largely a one man show and it takes between 18 and 28 hours to turn a factory knife into a "standard" style Ghostown Buck 110.

We are absolutely humbled and beside ourselves to be literally living the dream with such a constant demand from a crowd of collectors and new additions that speak so highly of our work... it is amazing and heartening and we are so far beyond thankful that the word I use most "Blessed" does not even seem to cover how I feel.

I try to put that feeling into everything I make. 
I see a face in every blade and every bolster...Not a name, Not date, and Not a price. Be it a retail or custom order...

When I pickup your project I start by scrolling through our message history not JUST to double check the details that I already have on your order sheet but to get into the mindset and think about YOU and your project, Your life and family and collection and job.
While I am physically working I think about the same.

I think about our entire interaction history going back as far possible to make the most personal custom artwork I possibly can.

Even when making a knife with no owner in mind I have an amazing motivation and historical well to draw from. My Dad started this in the late 60's. He made tens of thousands of knives from then until I took over!
This is never lost on me when I pick up a pair of his pliers. Or replace the wood handle on a saw that's worn through to the frame from both our hands.
I am honored to be here every single day And I am honored to meet all of you.

As an artist and craftsman I absolutely HAVE to be able to put an order to the side when I am not inspired and "feeling it" because that is the only way I can provide the best tool and heirloom I possibly can make for you all.

Every day that passes from the order date I want to do more , make it more perfect, More surprising and more...well received!

Add to this drive: our bigger retail orders(around 10+knives up to 40-50 knives at a time) AND the knives I make and sell to keep bills paid for monthly... and you may be able to see why things work the way they do.

Put simply:

"You are a huge part of my life every day"

"I'm working on it"

"It will be worth the wait"

"Thank you"
